• inspiration,  real life


    A few days ago the midget sent me this picture attached with a caption that one of her young friends said, ‘This is an old lady. She’s pointing her cane towards the sky.’ To which I think is brilliant. I think we should never grow too old that we cannot look at the sky and see animals, or see mountain ranges as sleeping giants, or trees as old ladies.

  • Uncategorized

    It’s Almost that Time of Year

    Fall is in the air. The leaves are turning, the pumpkins are being carved, boots are being dusted off, and people are muttering things like ‘1,600 words’ and ‘plot points’…normally with a slight twitch. Yes, we are almost upon NaNoWriMo season. If you have ever participated in NaNo, you know what I speak of. If you have not but have friends who are preparing themselves for a month of pouring their heart and soul into a blank word document- read on for 5 tips from an expert* on how to be a good friend for the month of November. 5) This is all your friend will be talking/thinking about for…

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  • the midget

    Oh the horror

    “It’s October…Which means slasher flicks, vampires, satanic cults, zombies, giant worms, cabins in the woods, stupid, frisky teenagers, lots of screaming and an unrealistic amount of blood that no human body could actually contain.” -The Midget My sister over at Inevitably RevisedĀ is starting a new series on horror. Being ‘big sister’, I remember when she wouldn’t watch LotR all the way through because it had decapitated heads, now she has become quite the horror fan, and as she does with most things has turned an interest into a fine tuned passion. With this series she means to delve into the horror genre and what exactly ‘horror’ can mean. “The point…

  • 412teens.org

    Does God Have a Sense of Humor?

    Does God Have a Sense of Humor? and Is there a difference between Joy and Happiness? I’ll be linking back here each time of my 412teens articles are posted. …And the short answer is, yes. Click the linksĀ for the long answer!

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