• puppies,  real life

    Working from Home

    To me, this picture sums up a perfect working from home afternoon. I need more of these, instead I’ve been avoiding the computer like the plague when I get back from the office. Which is not terribly productive when it comes to writing.

  • real life

    In Memory

    (I wrote this a couple weeks ago, and kept meaning to type it up. Even though I am getting it up in an untimely fashion, I still wanted to share it.) In the middle of a dining room, in a retirement home, one of many, there is a small group of ladies. It is too loose a term to call them table mates or even just friends. These ladies are fiercely protective of each other and wouldn’t put it past one of them to smack you if you gave any of her friends a hard time. One of these ladies, the newcomer, I only had a the chance to meet…