• real life

    Runaway Symphony

    A couple weeks ago the midget and I saw Runaway Symphony, a local band. And the midget bought their cd. You guys I cannot stop listening to this cd. And this is my favorite song: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_ZhDS2URUY]

  • the internet

    Very Inspiring Blogger Award

    I was nominated by Charity, a gal I have been fortunate to know for quite a few years online now and have her books on my shelf.  The Rules Post the award on your blog Thank your nominator because they’re awesome List 7 facts about yourself Nominate 15 other blogs for their awesomeness Post the rules so people know them Seven Facts About Me I am not a fan of the myers briggs personality thing. I know a few friends who it has really helped them in their lives and they love it, but it’s never been something I’ve been crazy about. Two of my characters in Worlds Collide: A Fairy…

  • books

    Book Release: Dragon and Priest

      Amazon Kindle $2.99 My first book since 2007 is now available. Before I get all nostalgic, look at the pretty cover that Annie J Designs made for me! Both Worlds Collide: A Fairy Tale and Lost and Found: A Fairy Tale will be re-released this year with new designed covers by Annie. There is also one more book in my Fairy Tale series that will definitely be released this year, hopefully two books. The plan is for two. But definitely one, because that one is already done and written. But back to Dragon and Priest. Ahh. If you were around me around February 2014, I probably apologized to you for being a…

  • 30 before 30

    30 Before 30 – #9 Casablanca

    Yes. I know. But that’s part of the point of the list. And I have now seen ‘the greatest movie of all time’. And I can see why it holds that title and it definitely stands the test of time. I didn’t love it, but that’s a personal preference. I don’t care for love triangles where the ‘who will she pick?’ is between the heroine’s husband and her lover.  Personal preference aside, the film is a work of art.

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  • 30 before 30

    30 Before 30 – #8 Jesus Feminist

      Reading Jesus Feminist was one of the first things that made it onto my 30 before 30 list. (To balance things out I also have on the list to read Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards, which I have had on my shelf since college and never gotten around to reading it.) Ordering this book felt rebellious. When I had first heard of it I had thought ‘can you do say? Say that? Is that ok?’ Having read the book I do wonder if the author purposefully picked that title to weed out people who would dismiss the book regardless of the content. And if the title didn’t scare…