• real life,  traveling

    Monterey Bay Aquarium

    Ok. I was #alltheemotions this day. On our drive to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, I tried calling my Grandma to try to talk to her. I talked to my aunt to see if that would be more stressful to have me calling or if it would be ok, and my aunt said it would be ok to call. I couldn’t get ahold of Grandma, but another aunt was staying near Grandpa’s side and I got ahold of her and she asks me ‘do you want to talk to Grandpa?’ The last I had heard was that he probably wasn’t going to make it, I hardly knew how to process this…

  • real life,  travel

    San Francisco- Musée Mécanique

     First the sea lions on Pier 39. I will never pass up an opportunity to see sea lions, or sea life.  The Musée Mécanique, I would not have known this museum/arcade was there if Laura hadn’t pointed it out. There were coin operated games that were hundred years old…and they still worked.

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    Inside Out- Review

    (gif source) You guys know that Up is one of my favorite movies of all time, and I think is one of the best movies ever made. Inside Out is comparable to Up.  Yah. Go see this one. GQkidz review: here

  • real life,  travel

    San Francisco- Alcatraz

    After leaving the Golden Gate Bridge we made a slight miscalculation on our parking and ended up missing the boat for our Alcatraz tour. By three minutes. But it ended up not being a big deal, because we were able to get on the next boat 20 minutes later.  

  • real life,  travel

    Life and Then Some

    So much life has happened in the last month. So much so, I will be breaking it up into a few posts because I took alot of pictures, and you know I like to share pictures. What started as a trip to see my friends, going to a dear friend’s wedding, going to San Franscisco and Monterey Bay Aquarium, ended up with all of those things happening, but also my grandpa passing away.

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30 – #13 Donate Blood

    When I put together my ’30 before 30′ list I made one rule for myself. Nothing that would feel like an insurmountable challenge. Which is why so many things so far have been movies I haven’t seen, books I haven’t read, etc. But I put a few items on the list that I knew would be challenging. Donating blood is what I figured would be the most difficult item. And do I ever hope it ends up being the most difficult because my experience giving blood was terrible. I had never had my blood drawn before so I had no idea what to expect going in. Well…even with taking all…

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30- #12 Elf

    Yes. I had never seen this movie. And word of advice- don’t try to find this movie in June. After the copy my friend and I were going to use ended up being missing, itunes was the only place we could find a copy (without ordering on amazon). This includes a trip to Target and calling Walmart to see if there was one we could buy. My reaction to the first half of this movie was ‘what am I watching’ (which was my exact same reaction to Mad Max: Fury Road now that I think of it). The second half that it was a very sweet movie. I am glad I…

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    San Andreas

    We saw San Andreas today. It was basically Sharknado without the sharks and with the Rock. And a bigger budget. So in short: we loved it.

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30- #11 Sushi

    (I was too busy trying everything Amber recommended and forgot to take pictures.) …I had never had sushi before. And decided it was very good. Not a fan of the seaweed, but other than that enjoyed everything of the many different kinds of sushi Amber recommended at the all-you-can-eat sushi place. I also learned that what I thought had been eel when I was in China was not eel, because I had eel that evening and the consistency was nothing like what I had tried in China. I do think this is a mystery that shall never be solved.