
Book Review and Blog Tour: Cheyenne Sunrise

This is something new and I’m super excited about it. Instead of a normal review, today I get to be part of the 2018 Romantic Reads Blog Tour.  What is a blog tour you ask? It’s like a progressive dinner, except with books and you don’t have to find parking for each stop. Now onto the introduction. (Don’t forget to scroll to the bottom for the giveaway)

Hello Reader! Thank you for joining Homemade Mythology on Mountain Brook Ink’s “Romantic Reads Blog Tour.” Follow the tour schedule below from February 23 – March 2 for opportunities to win free e-books, Amazon gift cards, and the grand prize, a Kindle Fire HD.

Comment on this post and join the conversation for an opportunity to win a free e-book from Janalyn Voigt.

To enter for the Kindle Fire or a giftcard, enter the rafflecopter form below. We hope you’ll discover a new favorite author and make some new friends!


I turned on my Kindle and settled into reading this book and about five pages in I went, “oh…this book isn’t messing around.” And that assessment carried through until the end of the book. Each time I thought I had it figured that I knew where Janalyn Voigt was going with the story, that thread was resolved and I’m looking at the bottom of my Kindle and seeing I still have over half a book left. With about 100 pages left I finally just acknowledged to myself I wasn’t going to figure it out and went along for the story.

Bry Brennan’s life so far has been marked by trials. Escaping the slums only to enter an abusive marriage, when her brother suddenly appears in her life and asks her to join him out west, it can only mean things go up from there, right? Nick Laramie is also no stranger to trials, being of two worlds and not really belonging to either of them. The wagon train to the Montana Territory brings their stories together, but the world isn’t going to make it easy for them.

This is what I expected. They get thrown together and grow closer due to both experiencing racism against them (her Irish and him half-Cheyenne) and have to convince their loved ones of the merit of the other. There is so much more going on in this book.

Historical fiction is not my go to genre because often times it feels to me like it is romanticizing a “simpler time”. I’m sorry but I’m really fond of running water, women’s rights, and I don’t care how husky the guys voice is your life would have been very hard and you both probably would have died young. This book does not make light of the hardships of that time but it also shows the beauty. I loved how steeped in history it felt, it seemed like a window into another time, not making a declaration of value, simply look at what people did in a different time of history.

I loved this book, I would recommend it in heartbeat. Janalyn addresses loss, abuse, racism, and love with a masterful hand and is an excellent storyteller. I learned more about that time in history and look forward to reading the last book in the series.

Back Cover Blurb:

Can a woman with no faith in men learn to trust the half-Cheyenne trail guide determined to protect her?

Young Irish widow Bry Brennan doesn’t want another husband to break her spirit. When she and her brother Con join a wagon train headed to Montana Territory, Bry ignores her fascination with Nick Laramie, the handsome trail guide.

Nick lives in an uneasy truce between the settlers and his mother’s tribe without fully fitting in among either. With no intention of dragging a woman into his troubles, he stifles his attraction for Bry.

The perilous journey throws the two together, leaving Bry no choice but to trust Nick with her life. Can she also trust him with her heart? Answering that riddle forces Bry to confront her unresolved questions about God’s love.

Based on actual historical events during a time of unrest in America, Cheyenne Sunrise explores faith, love, and courage in the wild west.

About Janalyn Voigt:

Janalyn Voigt’s lifelong love of storytelling began in childhood when she dreamed up her own bedtime stories. She grew into a precocious reader, a pastime she credits with teaching her to write. Janalyn trained formally with Christian Writers Guild. Today she is a multi-genre author and literary judge. Janalyn is represented by Wordserve Literary.

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