real life

Plumb Concert

This happened on Sunday:

2014-09-28 21.57.34smaller

And this:

2014-09-30 20.30.47smaller

Sunday afternoon, after a very nice lunch with friends, the midget, Naomi, and I headed south for a Plumb concert. Now, other than an address, a recently discovered price, and a show start time we knew very little what to expect. We arrived two hours early, easily found a parking spot, and did some investigating. We were informed (along with recommendations of where to go for dinner) that the doors would be open a half hour before the show started, and that was when we’d be paying for admittance.

As I mentioned, we didn’t know what to expect. But this is not what we expected:

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We were in the second row! And…..when we looked behind us the theatre stayed empty. Three artists were playing that evening, (David Dunn, Rhett Walker Band and Plumb) and only about thirty five people showed up to watch them. All the artists were surprised, but professionals, and gave an exceptional performance even to the minuscule group.

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While we couldn’t help but feel bad for the theatre and the artists at such a small turnout, we benefited from the uniqueness of the opportunity. All of us got all the pictures and autographs we wanted. The Rhett Walker Band and David Dunn were really neat guys (I just don’t have pictures), I had not heard of either of them before. Midget got one of their cds.

Life goal: accomplished. 🙂 As pictured above, I got Plumb’s new book, I look forward to reading it.