real life

A Picture Summary

The last few months of last year I was pretty much in survival mode. Here are the highlights of that time:

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Near the end of September, my grammy went to to be with the Lord. She was 90 years old, and I will forever be grateful that her decline, while it was a hell week, was only a week. This picture was taken just a couple weeks prior. I don’t think I’ll ever come to a stage where I don’t miss her.

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For my 30th birthday weekend the Courtneys came out, and we conquered corn mazes and it was a great time with friends.

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…And my big ‘finale’ to 30 before 30: going on the seaplane.

Shortly after the midget moved to Colorado to start new adventures. Which I could have sworn I had an artsy picture of packed boxes but apparently I do not. Also I got to meet my dear friend’s new baby in November, who is the most expressive little guy I’ve ever seen.

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Death Lady and I went out and bought the world’s greatest Christmas tree for my family. And I decorated it completely with my own decorations. And it was amazing.

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…And then the snowpocalypse hit.

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I bought myself a little curio. Which was one, if not the, of my favorite purchases of 2015.

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A parting picture of the tree as I finish up this post. Because, this tree was awesome.