• real life

    2013 Reading

    1) Fever Crumb by Philip Reeve 2) Dogsbody by Diana Wynne Jones 3) The Woodcutter by Kate Danley 4) Beneath a Broken Sky by Griffin Asher 5) The Fault in Our Stars by John Green 6) The Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss 7) The Rithmatist by Brandon Sanderson 8) Cast in Shadow by Michelle Sagara 9) Monster Hunter International by Larry Correia 10) The Girl of Fire of Thorns by Rae Carson 11) The Crown of Embers by Rae Carson 12) The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan 13) The Titan’s Curse by Rick Riordan 14) The Bitter Kingdom by Rae Carson 15) The Lady of Devices by Shelley…

  • Uncategorized


    Some writers have a cloud of ideas and characters and their biggest problem is they don’t know which one to pick first. They finish one story, put it aside and start on a whole brand new exciting world. And then there’s writers like me. As most people who read this blog probably know, I have One Idea. One World. One (growing) set of characters. And while I think my world and characters are very good, this is what I’ve worked on my whole life and whenever I look beyond into the vastness of fiction that leaves the confines of that world I see a open nothingness. Until a couple weeks…

  • 412teens.org

    412 Teens: Pet Euthanasia

    What Does the Bible Say about Pet Euthanasia? And a Kickstarter recommendation: In Residence- A Showstring Horror Flick One of the guys behind this kickstarter I’ve known his family since the dawn of time. They are one of those incredibly talented families, and while horror is not really my thing, I’m sure that what Tim and his friend put together will be a creative movie. If horror is your thing, perhaps this is a project you’d like to support. Unrelated: I think this is the strangest mixture of topics I’ve had in one post. Ever.

  • Uncategorized


    If you haven’t seen Frozen yet– go see it. I had zero interest in seeing this movie until the reviews started pouring in, and every friend I know who had seen it loved it and my curiosity was peaked. So the midget, death lady, and I went on Sunday to see what the big deal was about. We were not disappointed. There is one plot point that I was like ‘whaaa…?’, but other than that this is a visually strong and story strong movie. It will definitely be added to my DVD collection when it comes out, and put right next to Tangled of course. The midget’s review was summed up like…

  • random musing


    Can we all agree that beauty is in the eye of the beholder? I know that the midget will see something and tell me how it is beautiful…and I’ll confess to her that I’m not seeing it. On the other hand I’ll remark how cute something is…and she asks why is it touching me. Different artforms touch different people. Beauty is diverse, and it has been argued that it is part of beauty that we are not all the same. Marketing tries to fit us women into a little box and tell us ‘this! this is beauty!’…and most of us can’t fit into the box even if we wanted to.…

  • real life

    Working on a Holiday

    This morning I woke up, earlier than I would have liked, fed my turtles and dogs and went out front to scrape the ice off my car. This was followed by driving into the office and being one of the two people who were in the entire office. Which was eerie. My participation in Black Friday was limited to two books I just downloaded onto my Kindle. So much has been said on how Black Friday is unfair to employees, because now Black Friday starts on Thursday! And that should be reserved for time with family and stores should not be open! Personally, I’ve only worked in retail for two…

  • random musing

    Encouraging one another

    Yesterday I read this post. I had two immediate thoughts, one was that I end up reading alot of blog posts that I am not the target audience. Two, was that what they were writing about is a great reminder for all us. “The woman whose husband is gone for an overnight business trip has no idea what it’s like for the woman whose husband is gone for a week at a time.  The woman whose husband is gone for a week at a time has no idea what it’s like for the woman whose husband is gone for 5 weeks at a time (our longest separation so far).  The…

  • real life

    Life Goal: Accomplished

      This happened Sunday. When a friend texted me last week and told me that Frank Peretti would be the guest speaker at a local church Sunday and ‘thought you may be interested’…to say I was excited would be a drastic understatement. I quickly informed the midget that we would be visiting that church on Sunday! And she was only a little less excited than me. The Oath was my favorite book for years, and to date the first Cooper Kids book is the only book that when I finished reading, I immediately started reading again. As a child, when I had stories in my head, but no real idea how…