• books

    Book Review and Blog Tour: Cheyenne Sunrise

    This is something new and I’m super excited about it. Instead of a normal review, today I get to be part of the 2018 Romantic Reads Blog Tour.  What is a blog tour you ask? It’s like a progressive dinner, except with books and you don’t have to find parking for each stop. Now onto the introduction. (Don’t forget to scroll to the bottom for the giveaway) Hello Reader! Thank you for joining Homemade Mythology on Mountain Brook Ink’s “Romantic Reads Blog Tour.” Follow the tour schedule below from February 23 – March 2 for opportunities to win free e-books, Amazon gift cards, and the grand prize, a Kindle Fire…

  • books

    Book Review: Finding Love in Eureka, California

    There is so much going on in this book. I kinda wonder if the author went, “I want to take all the controversial issues that are important to me and make a story from them, yes, I’ll do that!” Genevieve Wilson is happily living her life. She enjoys her job, she’s building her photography business and daydreaming about the pilot from work. She is a happy person who just…sorta ignores the bad in her life. It’s so much better to make up her own narrative right? Matt Lake is one of those guys who has crafted the “perfect life”. He has everything he wanted, he is on a path to…

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    2017 Reading List

    The One Thing by Gary Keller Bands of Mourning by Brandon Sanderson Blowing on Dandelions by Miralee Ferrell The Genesis Tree by Heather LL Fitzgerald If You Feel Too Much by Jamie Tworkowski Forget Me Not by Miralee Ferrell Wishing on Buttercups by Miralee Ferrell Dreaming on Daisies by Miralee Ferrell Fields of Gold by Shelley Adina Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller Hills of Nevermore by Janalyn Voigt Presumed Dead by Angela Ruth Strong An Anchor on Her Heart by Patricia Lee The Princess and the PI by Angela Ruth Strong I Thought it Was Just Me (But it’s Not) by Brene Brown —- Financially Fearless by Alexa von Tobel Adopted by Kelley Nikondeha At the Crossroads…

  • books

    Book Review: Make Haste Slowly

    I sat down to read this book and really didn’t know what to make of it. I read it in relatively few sittings and I never really knew where the story was going, and it ended in a way I didn’t expect. In short- Make Haste Slowly does good work of being a mystery. Callie Erickson has started a new life in small town Texas, content to live life with her friends, her pugs, and her new flower/knitting/book shop. She is settling in nicely to routine and the author made me laugh out loud a few times at the antics of Callie’s pugs. This new calm life is not meant to…

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  • books,  reviews

    Book Review: At The Crossroads

    I loved this book. I was having trouble figuring out what I’d say in this review because normally I do a small summary, the stuff I liked, the stuff I didn’t like and then my concluding thoughts. But I can’t think of anything that wasn’t done well. It was that good. At the Crossroads has a widowed mother with two kids who is making do and getting by, and lives in a manner that she is always expecting the other shoe to drop. And unfortunately? You don’t blame her, she has had a rough go of it. The last thing she needed was a crush on the pastor who may…

  • real life

    Of Goals and Striving

    I am a goal oriented person. I have to be careful because I can get hyper focused on a goal and in the process become not a great friend. When I did 30 before 30 it was a vivid reminder that I have had the opportunity to do so much and I am so grateful for the opportunities I have had. I’ve achieved things that 12 year old me never would have dreamed. Those four sheets of paper represent the current four Huge Goals I have. The two on the right I know I can achieve given time and effort. Both feel big and scary? But I can work hard and…

  • books

    Book Review: An Anchor on Heart

    McKenna Nichols is a situation she never could have imagined. After having an autistic daughter, her husband can’t handle this difficulty thrown into their “happily ever after” and goes away for work indefinitely. The checks still come and they are still married, but she hasn’t seen or heard from her husband is two years. Enter Rudy Taylor, who naturally has the ability to love her daughter like she had always hoped her husband would. An Anchor on her Heart pulls no punches and asks difficult questions. McKenna is married, a fact that both her and Rudy are honoring. And Rudy is in the unique situation to have the opportunity to…

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