
Book Release: Dragon and Priest

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My first book since 2007 is now available.

Before I get all nostalgic, look at the pretty cover that Annie J Designs made for me! Both Worlds Collide: A Fairy Tale and Lost and Found: A Fairy Tale will be re-released this year with new designed covers by Annie. There is also one more book in my Fairy Tale series that will definitely be released this year, hopefully two books. The plan is for two. But definitely one, because that one is already done and written.

But back to Dragon and Priest. Ahh. If you were around me around February 2014, I probably apologized to you for being a bad friend because this story demanded most of my attention. I was in the middle of working on the last Fairy Tale book and this little story came out of nowhere and insisted on being first. And it is a little story, it wouldn’t even win me NaNoWriMo.

We can never sin so bad, mess up so bad, be so bad to mess up God’s plan. Or to make us unforgivable. That just is mindblowing, and equally mindblowing is that God does not force us to accept His forgiveness. We have the chance to accept the gift of forgiveness. And not everyone does.

Thank you to those of you who have already read my little story and for your support. And thank you to any new readers.



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