
Book Review- The Paradise Protocol


Aric Lindquist believes she’s alone on an alien planet. A beautiful paradise that keeps on her toes as she tries to survive. Originally arriving as a bio-scientist to study that world, her assistant has disappeared and it appears the organization that had sent her has also abandoned her. Until she is no longer alone.

Sean Reese was sent to Empusa III as Aric’s new assistant. Or so that is the story he is telling her. There is very little he is telling her that is the truth, and as he spends more time with her, the more he finds out that what he had been told about her isn’t the truth either.

The Paradise Protocol is a unique little book. It is a romance novel, no question there, but it is also a science fiction novel, and I just haven’t read that combination too often. Anna Zogg builds a unique world and it feels alien. I am always impressed when and author can carry a whole book with (for the most part) only two characters. Other characters are referenced, and we get small glimpses into their lives, but for the most part it is just Aric and Sean.

I would have liked to see more about Empusa III and the creatures that live there, but the story sets a good foundation to go back and learn more about this world.

Note: I received this book as an advance pre-reader copy.