30 before 30

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30 – #30 Turduchen

    This one’s Amber’s fault. Trying a turduchen was on my original version of the 30 before 30 list. Amber makes her own, but I know my cooking skills…that wasn’t going to happen. I bumped this off the list because I could not find a local place that one sell one. Last week I was out with mom and looking for garlic bread and stumbled across it! I was more than a little excited. Mom and I ended up throwing an impromptu dinner party around having the turduchen…and this thing has 12 servings, we needed more people. Fancy dinner= time to use the blue willow dishes. Unless it’s holiday specific, because then my mother has…

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30 – #29 Fantastic Mr. Fox

    I remember hearing about Fantastic Mr. Fox, I even remember hearing that it was something worth checking out? But I couldn’t think of anyone who had actually seen it and I didn’t know what it was. Until I sat down to watch. I did not know George Clooney was in this movie until I was watching it. Speaking of George Clooney, how is it that even as a fox, a puppet fox at that, it is still so clear that that is George Clooney? If you like unique story telling, make a point to see this one. It was fascinating and enjoyable and I wish I hadn’t waited so long to see…

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  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30 – #28 Spotify

    I buy cds. And have them come in the mail. And then I rip them onto my computer and add them to one of my 4 playlists. This is an area that I find something I like and stick to it…which is why I’ve never explored a music streaming service. And this is what sold me on Spotify: it pulled over my iTunes playlists no drama. So you mean I don’t have to create new playlists and I only have to use iTunes when I’m updating my itouch? Count me in.

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30- #27 The Nightmare Before Christmas

    I cannot believe I did not think to put The Nightmare Before Christmas on my first version of the 30 before 30 list! As I near the end of the project I have a growing list titled ‘new things’ to try after I’ve finished the official 30 before 30. And to think, I was having trouble thinking of 30 things when I started. I’ve been on The Nightmare Before Christmas version of the Haunted Mansion ride at Disneyland, and that was where most of what I knew about the story came from. The music was my favorite part, and I’m always in awe at stop motion, the sheer time and work that has to go…

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30 – #26 Rook Piercing

    I love earrings. You probably already know this. I always have, I think I always will. When I got my last piercing in ’08 I was 100% done and content with the arrangement of jewelry as it was. Then in the last year I started seeing the rook piercing. More adventurous than anything I had…and I really, really liked the look. So it went on the list. And then Griffin Asher surprised me with offering to get me the piercing for my birthday. I have three piercings in each ear (before the new one), and a small tattoo on my foot. Public Service Announcement: the rook piercing pain level is closer to…

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30- #25 Scream

    I was impressed with how little I knew about this movie going in. I had no idea who the bad guy was going to be, and I half guessed near the end? But only half got it right. What struck me most was how much Scream felt like an episode of Buffy.  I enjoyed this movie, I’d rewatch it.

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30 – #24 Dante’s Inferno

    I read the midget’s illustrated edition, that included summaries at the beginning of each canto telling what was going on, and I still only understood a fraction of this book. I tried to find a link to the edition that midget has and amazon failed me, but I do recommend taking the time to read this classic. It is fascinating and worth the time and effort.

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  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30- #23 Newcastle

    You will always find at least one of these in my family’s refrigerator. This has been true for as long as I can remember. Grandma and Grandpa did love to split a Newcastle. It was time to finally try one. One of the things I have come to the conclusion in the last couple years is that I just do not like alcohol. Some mixed drinks are fun, but it’s because I can hardly taste the alcohol and I never finish one so I always end up thinking why did I spend money on this when I could have gotten a coke. Newcastle I would categorize as one of the less…

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30 – #21 Sewing Machine

    This one didn’t turn out quite how I expected…mostly because mom and I found out the pedal to her sewing machine was missing. (It has since been found.) But we did sit down and mom explained piece by piece how the sewing machine worked and while watching her experienced the fingers thread the bobbin did look a bit like sorcery I now understand how the thing works. Now that the missing pedal has been found we have plans to sit down with some mending and we’ll see if I actually understand how the machine works!