30 before 30

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30- #20 Jaws

    Yes, these last two 30 before 30 are a theme. For this movie, I decided to just to Hastings and see if I could get a used copy for cheap and if I didn’t like it I would give it to dad. I was able to find a cheap copy (and the Silence and Vashta Nerada figurines but that’s not relevant) and the midget, mom, and I sat down to watch the original shark attack movie. Don’t be me, don’t wait so long to see Jaws. I had a lot of fun, and did not know until the midget made a comment that this was Spielberg’s second film. The biggest surprise for…

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30 – #19 Backdraft

    One of my favorite places to go as a child was Universal Studios in Hollywood. It’s still a favorite now, but it was especially exciting when I was little. I loved the tram tour and the Back to the Future ride. I would do 2 days worth of homework in advance so I could go with dad when company was in town. Or go whenever I had the chance. But there was always an internal struggle, because I knew ‘the price’. I would have to survive the Jaws part of the tram and go to the Backdraft experience/show. Jaws…while scary, wasn’t as bad because half the time the shark didn’t even…

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30 – #18 The Shawshank Redemption

    This is an exceptionally well crafted movie, and I’ve found that as I let some time go past since I watched it I have little to add to those thoughts. I can see why it is considered such a big deal. I did however appreciate knowing before hand how it ended; I don’t think I would have enjoyed it as much as I did if I hadn’t known it had a good ending.

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  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30 – #17 Skinny Jeans

    I specifically wrote down that I only need to try on skinny jeans, I did not need to buy a pair to considered this one fulfilled.  And that I would give it a serious go as in try on different sizes until I found one that fit.   And the proof of success. This ended up being a bit more of an adventure than I intended as I dodged the noodles that were on the ground. Having tried a few pairs on, I’m still going to stick to my boot cut jeans. As much as the ability to easily tuck my jeans into my boots is tempting…I just did not…

  • 30 before 30,  books

    Beginnings to a Fairy Tale- New Book

    Available on Kindle First time ever available, the prequel to Worlds Collide: A Fairy Tale! Beginnings to a Fairy Tale takes place about 15 years before the events of Worlds Collide: A Fairy Tale. While it can be read without reading my first book, it is written assuming the reader has read Worlds Collide: A Fairy Tale.  The story follows Christi, Emilee, Jessica, and Lenzi and their meeting of the people who would become family; it is the introduction of the ‘dunami world and delves deeper into Jessica and her life. *the release of this book also marks the completion of #16 in my 30 before 30, release or re-release my four completed books!

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30- #15 Silence of the Lambs

    Source: Empire Online I promised myself when I started this project I would not stress out about it. I have a tendency to be a bit obsessive when I’m goal oriented…and I refused to let 30 before 30 become anything but an enjoyable challenge. That said, with August upon us and oh-my-word a little over 2 months to complete the project, I did a bit of editing to the list. That is to say, took a few items off that would take more than two months and added a few items. In the revised version I added seeing Silence of the Lambs. This particular edit has been brought to you…

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30 – #14 Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

    When I was in college, a local Christian bookstore had an inventory of books that they couldn’t sell due to water damage. And they gave those books to my college. Fortunately for me, the day they were giving them away was at a chapel that like no one showed up to. I could barely carry the stack of books I brought home that day. And among them was a thin pamphlet containing Jonathan Edward’s ‘Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God’. I have heard this sermon referenced many times over the years, but this was the first time I had read it. It’s an exceptional treatise and I would…

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30 – #13 Donate Blood

    When I put together my ’30 before 30′ list I made one rule for myself. Nothing that would feel like an insurmountable challenge. Which is why so many things so far have been movies I haven’t seen, books I haven’t read, etc. But I put a few items on the list that I knew would be challenging. Donating blood is what I figured would be the most difficult item. And do I ever hope it ends up being the most difficult because my experience giving blood was terrible. I had never had my blood drawn before so I had no idea what to expect going in. Well…even with taking all…

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30- #12 Elf

    Yes. I had never seen this movie. And word of advice- don’t try to find this movie in June. After the copy my friend and I were going to use ended up being missing, itunes was the only place we could find a copy (without ordering on amazon). This includes a trip to Target and calling Walmart to see if there was one we could buy. My reaction to the first half of this movie was ‘what am I watching’ (which was my exact same reaction to Mad Max: Fury Road now that I think of it). The second half that it was a very sweet movie. I am glad I…

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30- #11 Sushi

    (I was too busy trying everything Amber recommended and forgot to take pictures.) …I had never had sushi before. And decided it was very good. Not a fan of the seaweed, but other than that enjoyed everything of the many different kinds of sushi Amber recommended at the all-you-can-eat sushi place. I also learned that what I thought had been eel when I was in China was not eel, because I had eel that evening and the consistency was nothing like what I had tried in China. I do think this is a mystery that shall never be solved.