30 before 30

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30 – #10 Fight Club

    Source: Pinterest Well. I think the midget’s summation of this movie was spot on. It is a piece of exceptionally well-done, and clever, storytelling, but I don’t ever need to see it again.

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  • 30 before 30

    30 Before 30 – #9 Casablanca

    Yes. I know. But that’s part of the point of the list. And I have now seen ‘the greatest movie of all time’. And I can see why it holds that title and it definitely stands the test of time. I didn’t love it, but that’s a personal preference. I don’t care for love triangles where the ‘who will she pick?’ is between the heroine’s husband and her lover.  Personal preference aside, the film is a work of art.

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  • 30 before 30

    30 Before 30 – #8 Jesus Feminist

      Reading Jesus Feminist was one of the first things that made it onto my 30 before 30 list. (To balance things out I also have on the list to read Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards, which I have had on my shelf since college and never gotten around to reading it.) Ordering this book felt rebellious. When I had first heard of it I had thought ‘can you do say? Say that? Is that ok?’ Having read the book I do wonder if the author purposefully picked that title to weed out people who would dismiss the book regardless of the content. And if the title didn’t scare…

  • 30 before 30

    30 Before 30 – #7 Make Peace with The Hair

    If you have known me for any somewhat significant period of time you have probably heard me refer to my hair as The Hair or The Mass. The post is as much for my own benefit to come back and read and will probably be lengthy – fair warning. I have a complicated relationship with my hair. My emotional reaction about it swings from I try to ignore it’s existence to I hate it and I want to pull it out by the roots and burn it. It is very thick, and very heavy and if I let it grow too long and wear it up- migraine. If I let…

  • 30 before 30

    30 Before 30 – #6 Eyeliner

    ….I expected this one to be much harder than it ended up being. I had attempted eyeliner before using an eyeliner pencil and it was a disaster. Basically it looked like I had attacked my eye with a crayon. This time I tried with liquid eyeliner and was able to figure it out. Definitely still need more practice, but the goal was to figure it out (aka not like I was practicing with a crayon) and I’m calling the goal accomplished.

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30 – #5 Moulin Rouge

    Source: Pinterest My main memory of this movie’s existence is that a friend of mine loved it and it buzzed in the back of my head that I should actually see the whole thing. It’s been really convenient that all the movies on my 30 before 30 list my sister or dad owns (except Elf, which I’m waiting to see with Laura), so I’ll probably be going through this part of this list quickly as it’s easy and I like marking things off the list. Moulin Rouge. This movie came out fourteen years ago and why did it take me this long to see it? It’s a work of art,…

  • 30 before 30

    30 Before 30 – #4 Investment Item

    The full title to this one was’Buy one uncomfortably expensive investment outfit/accessory’ which is a little long to fit in the subject bar. Strictly speaking, I was cheating on this because the item was 70% off, but I’m counting the whole shopping trip which was definitely uncomfortably expensive, but a good investment. Fitting with what I knew I’d like life long, a pair of nicer than Claire’s earrings are now mine. …And because I couldn’t get a good picture of them, here is a picture of the little monster instead:

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30- #3 Blade Runner

    Source: Pinterest I was having a terrible time filling out my 30 before 30 list, so I ‘cheated’ and added a few movies and books I’ve been meaning to get around to. The first One I’ve gotten to is Blade Runner. This is my summary of that movie: What just happened? I had absorbed over the years the basic storyline of the movie, so I had a pretty good idea of the overarching story. But I spent most of the movie perplexed at what exactly was happening at that moment. While I was lost on the details of the story I enjoyed seeing another version of the not to distant future that…

  • 30 before 30

    30 Before 30 – #2 Lottery Ticket

      I am not a gambler. Or a risk taker. Or daring. I went to the casino once with my mom- because in a past life she did like to gamble- and I had more enjoyment trying to get the little ticket to print to say I had exactly one cent left so I could put it in my scrapbook then the actually gambling. (And this was after I used up a dollars worth of nickels in the machine). So when I wanted to tackle this item on my list I had very little idea even where to go to find a lottery ticket. Even though mom had liked to gamble when she…

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30- #1 Moleskin Notebook

    I got into my head that I want to try/experience 30 new things before I’m 30. This has been harder than I thought it would be coming up with 30 things, and I am still working on this list. I decided right away that I was going to leave huge things off this particular list, because I want to enjoy this challenge and not stress out over it. #1- Moleskin Notebook I have wondered since I was little what was the big deals with those expensive, wrapped notebooks that were normally in their own display. Why were they special? Why did they cost so much more than any other notebook?…