real life

  • real life

    Of Goals and Striving

    I am a goal oriented person. I have to be careful because I can get hyper focused on a goal and in the process become not a great friend. When I did 30 before 30 it was a vivid reminder that I have had the opportunity to do so much and I am so grateful for the opportunities I have had. I’ve achieved things that 12 year old me never would have dreamed. Those four sheets of paper represent the current four Huge Goals I have. The two on the right I know I can achieve given time and effort. Both feel big and scary? But I can work hard and…

  • real life,  traveling

    Lantern Fest

    I would like to say this is the most hipster picture I have ever taken and I absolutely love it. Lantern Fest is magical, I highly recommend if you have the opportunity to go. I ended up trying for pictures from my big camera and the camera phone and these two were the best to turn out. (Little did I know that these would be the last pictures I took with my camera phone as the next morning the phone died.) This is looking to be a full summer, and May has been a calm before the storm. Here’s to a storm full of adventures and patience for when adventures…

  • real life

    A Picture Summary

    The last few months of last year I was pretty much in survival mode. Here are the highlights of that time: Near the end of September, my grammy went to to be with the Lord. She was 90 years old, and I will forever be grateful that her decline, while it was a hell week, was only a week. This picture was taken just a couple weeks prior. I don’t think I’ll ever come to a stage where I don’t miss her. For my 30th birthday weekend the Courtneys came out, and we conquered corn mazes and it was a great time with friends. …And my big ‘finale’ to 30 before…

  • family,  real life

    A bit late, but hello 2016

      Hello 2016, You’re now 11 days old, somehow. So far you’ve started with a bang and (hopefully) the last bit of the Snowpocalypse . 2015 saw my family saying good bye to three family members as they left this life. 2016 you are not starting off on a good foot by us also saying good bye to another uncle. You’re the first year I won’t have my grammy around. I know some day that will become real, but it still has not. It barely had become real that grandpa was gone. Irrevocable change has happened, and there will be more to come. I am just hoping it will be of…

  • real life,  traveling

    Monterey Bay Aquarium

    Ok. I was #alltheemotions this day. On our drive to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, I tried calling my Grandma to try to talk to her. I talked to my aunt to see if that would be more stressful to have me calling or if it would be ok, and my aunt said it would be ok to call. I couldn’t get ahold of Grandma, but another aunt was staying near Grandpa’s side and I got ahold of her and she asks me ‘do you want to talk to Grandpa?’ The last I had heard was that he probably wasn’t going to make it, I hardly knew how to process this…

  • real life,  travel

    San Francisco- Musée Mécanique

     First the sea lions on Pier 39. I will never pass up an opportunity to see sea lions, or sea life.  The Musée Mécanique, I would not have known this museum/arcade was there if Laura hadn’t pointed it out. There were coin operated games that were hundred years old…and they still worked.

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  • real life,  travel

    San Francisco- Alcatraz

    After leaving the Golden Gate Bridge we made a slight miscalculation on our parking and ended up missing the boat for our Alcatraz tour. By three minutes. But it ended up not being a big deal, because we were able to get on the next boat 20 minutes later.  

  • real life,  travel

    Life and Then Some

    So much life has happened in the last month. So much so, I will be breaking it up into a few posts because I took alot of pictures, and you know I like to share pictures. What started as a trip to see my friends, going to a dear friend’s wedding, going to San Franscisco and Monterey Bay Aquarium, ended up with all of those things happening, but also my grandpa passing away.

  • real life

    Welcome to Night Vale

    What does a live showing of a podcast look like? Like this. And this. I had no idea what to expect when we went to the live show of Welcome to Night Vale. We dressed up in our purple best and had a grand time. Or as the Immovable Force put it: “I am tired of laughing.” Because really, we were laughing most of the time. It is such a treat to go the theatre, and a geeky event like this? Even better. My favorite thing about Night Vale is how it is so different than any other storytelling I regularly enjoy. There were no props, no visual aids, just the performers and…

  • real life

    Runaway Symphony

    A couple weeks ago the midget and I saw Runaway Symphony, a local band. And the midget bought their cd. You guys I cannot stop listening to this cd. And this is my favorite song: [youtube]