real life

  • real life

    Plumb Concert

    This happened on Sunday: And this: Sunday afternoon, after a very nice lunch with friends, the midget, Naomi, and I headed south for a Plumb concert. Now, other than an address, a recently discovered price, and a show start time we knew very little what to expect. We arrived two hours early, easily found a parking spot, and did some investigating. We were informed (along with recommendations of where to go for dinner) that the doors would be open a half hour before the show started, and that was when we’d be paying for admittance. As I mentioned, we didn’t know what to expect. But this is not what we…

  • puppies,  real life

    Working from Home

    To me, this picture sums up a perfect working from home afternoon. I need more of these, instead I’ve been avoiding the computer like the plague when I get back from the office. Which is not terribly productive when it comes to writing.

  • real life

    In Memory

    (I wrote this a couple weeks ago, and kept meaning to type it up. Even though I am getting it up in an untimely fashion, I still wanted to share it.) In the middle of a dining room, in a retirement home, one of many, there is a small group of ladies. It is too loose a term to call them table mates or even just friends. These ladies are fiercely protective of each other and wouldn’t put it past one of them to smack you if you gave any of her friends a hard time. One of these ladies, the newcomer, I only had a the chance to meet…

  • real life,  the office


      Thank you Windows, that is just what I wanted to see first thing in the morning. Because I totally want to spend a ton of extra money, take two days of my life, and highly caffeinated my sister as she helps me, and install a new operating system and then learn a new operating system. And then because that isn’t fun enough, update my Office.

  • real life


      If you had told 20 year old me I’d be driving in this in the future…there would have been a full blown panic attack. Yup, buying the new car is still one of my favorite decisions ever.

  • real life

    2013 Reading

    1) Fever Crumb by Philip Reeve 2) Dogsbody by Diana Wynne Jones 3) The Woodcutter by Kate Danley 4) Beneath a Broken Sky by Griffin Asher 5) The Fault in Our Stars by John Green 6) The Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss 7) The Rithmatist by Brandon Sanderson 8) Cast in Shadow by Michelle Sagara 9) Monster Hunter International by Larry Correia 10) The Girl of Fire of Thorns by Rae Carson 11) The Crown of Embers by Rae Carson 12) The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan 13) The Titan’s Curse by Rick Riordan 14) The Bitter Kingdom by Rae Carson 15) The Lady of Devices by Shelley…

  • real life

    Working on a Holiday

    This morning I woke up, earlier than I would have liked, fed my turtles and dogs and went out front to scrape the ice off my car. This was followed by driving into the office and being one of the two people who were in the entire office. Which was eerie. My participation in Black Friday was limited to two books I just downloaded onto my Kindle. So much has been said on how Black Friday is unfair to employees, because now Black Friday starts on Thursday! And that should be reserved for time with family and stores should not be open! Personally, I’ve only worked in retail for two…

  • real life

    Life Goal: Accomplished

      This happened Sunday. When a friend texted me last week and told me that Frank Peretti would be the guest speaker at a local church Sunday and ‘thought you may be interested’…to say I was excited would be a drastic understatement. I quickly informed the midget that we would be visiting that church on Sunday! And she was only a little less excited than me. The Oath was my favorite book for years, and to date the first Cooper Kids book is the only book that when I finished reading, I immediately started reading again. As a child, when I had stories in my head, but no real idea how…

  • inspiration,  real life


    A few days ago the midget sent me this picture attached with a caption that one of her young friends said, ‘This is an old lady. She’s pointing her cane towards the sky.’ To which I think is brilliant. I think we should never grow too old that we cannot look at the sky and see animals, or see mountain ranges as sleeping giants, or trees as old ladies.