• real life,  traveling

    Monterey Bay Aquarium

    Ok. I was #alltheemotions this day. On our drive to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, I tried calling my Grandma to try to talk to her. I talked to my aunt to see if that would be more stressful to have me calling or if it would be ok, and my aunt said it would be ok to call. I couldn’t get ahold of Grandma, but another aunt was staying near Grandpa’s side and I got ahold of her and she asks me ‘do you want to talk to Grandpa?’ The last I had heard was that he probably wasn’t going to make it, I hardly knew how to process this…

  • the internet

    Very Inspiring Blogger Award

    I was nominated by Charity, a gal I have been fortunate to know for quite a few years online now and have her books on my shelf.  The Rules Post the award on your blog Thank your nominator because they’re awesome List 7 facts about yourself Nominate 15 other blogs for their awesomeness Post the rules so people know them Seven Facts About Me I am not a fan of the myers briggs personality thing. I know a few friends who it has really helped them in their lives and they love it, but it’s never been something I’ve been crazy about. Two of my characters in Worlds Collide: A Fairy…

  • real life

    In Memory

    (I wrote this a couple weeks ago, and kept meaning to type it up. Even though I am getting it up in an untimely fashion, I still wanted to share it.) In the middle of a dining room, in a retirement home, one of many, there is a small group of ladies. It is too loose a term to call them table mates or even just friends. These ladies are fiercely protective of each other and wouldn’t put it past one of them to smack you if you gave any of her friends a hard time. One of these ladies, the newcomer, I only had a the chance to meet…

  • random musing

    Encouraging one another

    Yesterday I read this post. I had two immediate thoughts, one was that I end up reading alot of blog posts that I am not the target audience. Two, was that what they were writing about is a great reminder for all us. “The woman whose husband is gone for an overnight business trip has no idea what it’s like for the woman whose husband is gone for a week at a time.  The woman whose husband is gone for a week at a time has no idea what it’s like for the woman whose husband is gone for 5 weeks at a time (our longest separation so far).  The…