• 30 before 30

    30 before 30 – #29 Fantastic Mr. Fox

    I remember hearing about Fantastic Mr. Fox, I even remember hearing that it was something worth checking out? But I couldn’t think of anyone who had actually seen it and I didn’t know what it was. Until I sat down to watch. I did not know George Clooney was in this movie until I was watching it. Speaking of George Clooney, how is it that even as a fox, a puppet fox at that, it is still so clear that that is George Clooney? If you like unique story telling, make a point to see this one. It was fascinating and enjoyable and I wish I hadn’t waited so long to see…

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  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30- #27 The Nightmare Before Christmas

    I cannot believe I did not think to put The Nightmare Before Christmas on my first version of the 30 before 30 list! As I near the end of the project I have a growing list titled ‘new things’ to try after I’ve finished the official 30 before 30. And to think, I was having trouble thinking of 30 things when I started. I’ve been on The Nightmare Before Christmas version of the Haunted Mansion ride at Disneyland, and that was where most of what I knew about the story came from. The music was my favorite part, and I’m always in awe at stop motion, the sheer time and work that has to go…

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30- #25 Scream

    I was impressed with how little I knew about this movie going in. I had no idea who the bad guy was going to be, and I half guessed near the end? But only half got it right. What struck me most was how much Scream felt like an episode of Buffy.  I enjoyed this movie, I’d rewatch it.

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30- #20 Jaws

    Yes, these last two 30 before 30 are a theme. For this movie, I decided to just to Hastings and see if I could get a used copy for cheap and if I didn’t like it I would give it to dad. I was able to find a cheap copy (and the Silence and Vashta Nerada figurines but that’s not relevant) and the midget, mom, and I sat down to watch the original shark attack movie. Don’t be me, don’t wait so long to see Jaws. I had a lot of fun, and did not know until the midget made a comment that this was Spielberg’s second film. The biggest surprise for…

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30 – #19 Backdraft

    One of my favorite places to go as a child was Universal Studios in Hollywood. It’s still a favorite now, but it was especially exciting when I was little. I loved the tram tour and the Back to the Future ride. I would do 2 days worth of homework in advance so I could go with dad when company was in town. Or go whenever I had the chance. But there was always an internal struggle, because I knew ‘the price’. I would have to survive the Jaws part of the tram and go to the Backdraft experience/show. Jaws…while scary, wasn’t as bad because half the time the shark didn’t even…

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30 – #18 The Shawshank Redemption

    This is an exceptionally well crafted movie, and I’ve found that as I let some time go past since I watched it I have little to add to those thoughts. I can see why it is considered such a big deal. I did however appreciate knowing before hand how it ended; I don’t think I would have enjoyed it as much as I did if I hadn’t known it had a good ending.

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  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30- #15 Silence of the Lambs

    Source: Empire Online I promised myself when I started this project I would not stress out about it. I have a tendency to be a bit obsessive when I’m goal oriented…and I refused to let 30 before 30 become anything but an enjoyable challenge. That said, with August upon us and oh-my-word a little over 2 months to complete the project, I did a bit of editing to the list. That is to say, took a few items off that would take more than two months and added a few items. In the revised version I added seeing Silence of the Lambs. This particular edit has been brought to you…

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    Inside Out- Review

    (gif source) You guys know that Up is one of my favorite movies of all time, and I think is one of the best movies ever made. Inside Out is comparable to Up.  Yah. Go see this one. GQkidz review: here