• 30 before 30

    30 before 30- #12 Elf

    Yes. I had never seen this movie. And word of advice- don’t try to find this movie in June. After the copy my friend and I were going to use ended up being missing, itunes was the only place we could find a copy (without ordering on amazon). This includes a trip to Target and calling Walmart to see if there was one we could buy. My reaction to the first half of this movie was ‘what am I watching’ (which was my exact same reaction to Mad Max: Fury Road now that I think of it). The second half that it was a very sweet movie. I am glad I…

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    San Andreas

    We saw San Andreas today. It was basically Sharknado without the sharks and with the Rock. And a bigger budget. So in short: we loved it.

  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30 – #10 Fight Club

    Source: Pinterest Well. I think the midget’s summation of this movie was spot on. It is a piece of exceptionally well-done, and clever, storytelling, but I don’t ever need to see it again.

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  • 30 before 30

    30 Before 30 – #9 Casablanca

    Yes. I know. But that’s part of the point of the list. And I have now seen ‘the greatest movie of all time’. And I can see why it holds that title and it definitely stands the test of time. I didn’t love it, but that’s a personal preference. I don’t care for love triangles where the ‘who will she pick?’ is between the heroine’s husband and her lover.  Personal preference aside, the film is a work of art.

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  • 30 before 30

    30 before 30 – #5 Moulin Rouge

    Source: Pinterest My main memory of this movie’s existence is that a friend of mine loved it and it buzzed in the back of my head that I should actually see the whole thing. It’s been really convenient that all the movies on my 30 before 30 list my sister or dad owns (except Elf, which I’m waiting to see with Laura), so I’ll probably be going through this part of this list quickly as it’s easy and I like marking things off the list. Moulin Rouge. This movie came out fourteen years ago and why did it take me this long to see it? It’s a work of art,…

  • 412teens.org

    412 Teens: Pet Euthanasia

    What Does the Bible Say about Pet Euthanasia? And a Kickstarter recommendation: In Residence- A Showstring Horror Flick One of the guys behind this kickstarter I’ve known his family since the dawn of time. They are one of those incredibly talented families, and while horror is not really my thing, I’m sure that what Tim and his friend put together will be a creative movie. If horror is your thing, perhaps this is a project you’d like to support. Unrelated: I think this is the strangest mixture of topics I’ve had in one post. Ever.

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    If you haven’t seen Frozen yet– go see it. I had zero interest in seeing this movie until the reviews started pouring in, and every friend I know who had seen it loved it and my curiosity was peaked. So the midget, death lady, and I went on Sunday to see what the big deal was about. We were not disappointed. There is one plot point that I was like ‘whaaa…?’, but other than that this is a visually strong and story strong movie. It will definitely be added to my DVD collection when it comes out, and put right next to Tangled of course. The midget’s review was summed up like…

  • the midget

    Oh the horror

    “It’s October…Which means slasher flicks, vampires, satanic cults, zombies, giant worms, cabins in the woods, stupid, frisky teenagers, lots of screaming and an unrealistic amount of blood that no human body could actually contain.” -The Midget My sister over at Inevitably Revised is starting a new series on horror. Being ‘big sister’, I remember when she wouldn’t watch LotR all the way through because it had decapitated heads, now she has become quite the horror fan, and as she does with most things has turned an interest into a fine tuned passion. With this series she means to delve into the horror genre and what exactly ‘horror’ can mean. “The point…