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    Book Review: Stagecoach to Liberty

    I read this book in about 2 days. The first thing I have to say is be sure you have read the first two books first or you will have no idea what is going on. The author picks up the story and doesn’t slow down. Which you should read those books anyway because they’re great. Again, Janalyn Voigt takes us on a journey through a snippet of a the past and I came away with a smile and feeling like I learned something. She gathers up the characters from the previous books and introduces a couple new ones, specifically a young German woman Elsa. Elsa came to America to…

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    Book Review: The Awakened

    I have a rule of thumb that I always review a book within a few days of reading it. It keeps me accountable to not be late and the story is freshest in my mind. That said- it has been much longer than a few days since I had the opportunity to read The Awakened. Which means it already feels like it has been forever that I have been waiting for the second book and why is it not here now. I had serious doubts about this book. End times fiction? Flashbacks that are essentially Biblical fiction? The author having Christ as a character in the story and having fictional…

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    Book Review: A Caffeine Conundrum

    Usually when I finish book and really like it I think oh so-and-so would like this. Or how one friend would like it but it just wouldn’t be another friend’s cup of tea. That isn’t a reflection on a book, just individual peoples taste. I honestly think all of my reader friends would find something they like in A Caffeine Conundrum. Tandy Brandt and Marissa Alexander have similar goals, though you would never guess from looking at them. Tandy loves to wear black, almost as much as she loves her pomeranian Cocoa, whereas former beauty Marissa is all about fashion and has little interest in the licky furball Tandy carries around.…

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    Book Review: The Sleuth’s Miscalculation

    Nancy Daley has this life thing down. She works as a librarian, everyone knows she’s someone they can turn to in times of trouble and she is an unofficial consultant for the sheriff department. The sheriff who happens to be her mom. She is an independent woman who is doing fine on her own and appears perfectly content to live out her days just as she is. And then she gets paired up with the new deputy, Carter Malone for a mystery. This is a fun little book. It’s first of all a mystery, it reminded more of an old Murder She Wrote in tone than Nancy Drew. There is a touch…

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    Book Review: Porch Swing Girl

    Olive Galloway’s life has been turned upside down and she has been dumped at her Gramma’s house in Hawaii, along with her little sister. Her mother just lost her fight with cancer and her dad has deposited them with their grandmother so he can go deal with things at home in Boston. “Deal with things” being something which has Olive in a complete panic that her dad will deconstruct what is left of her world by getting rid of her mothers things and selling their house. Full disclosure- Olive annoyed the ever living daylights out of me for the beginning of the book. Her behavior toward her sister, her gramma,…

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    Book Review and Blog Tour: Cheyenne Sunrise

    This is something new and I’m super excited about it. Instead of a normal review, today I get to be part of the 2018 Romantic Reads Blog Tour.  What is a blog tour you ask? It’s like a progressive dinner, except with books and you don’t have to find parking for each stop. Now onto the introduction. (Don’t forget to scroll to the bottom for the giveaway) Hello Reader! Thank you for joining Homemade Mythology on Mountain Brook Ink’s “Romantic Reads Blog Tour.” Follow the tour schedule below from February 23 – March 2 for opportunities to win free e-books, Amazon gift cards, and the grand prize, a Kindle Fire…

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    Book Review: Finding Love in Eureka, California

    There is so much going on in this book. I kinda wonder if the author went, “I want to take all the controversial issues that are important to me and make a story from them, yes, I’ll do that!” Genevieve Wilson is happily living her life. She enjoys her job, she’s building her photography business and daydreaming about the pilot from work. She is a happy person who just…sorta ignores the bad in her life. It’s so much better to make up her own narrative right? Matt Lake is one of those guys who has crafted the “perfect life”. He has everything he wanted, he is on a path to…

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    Book Review: Make Haste Slowly

    I sat down to read this book and really didn’t know what to make of it. I read it in relatively few sittings and I never really knew where the story was going, and it ended in a way I didn’t expect. In short- Make Haste Slowly does good work of being a mystery. Callie Erickson has started a new life in small town Texas, content to live life with her friends, her pugs, and her new flower/knitting/book shop. She is settling in nicely to routine and the author made me laugh out loud a few times at the antics of Callie’s pugs. This new calm life is not meant to…

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    Book Review: An Anchor on Heart

    McKenna Nichols is a situation she never could have imagined. After having an autistic daughter, her husband can’t handle this difficulty thrown into their “happily ever after” and goes away for work indefinitely. The checks still come and they are still married, but she hasn’t seen or heard from her husband is two years. Enter Rudy Taylor, who naturally has the ability to love her daughter like she had always hoped her husband would. An Anchor on her Heart pulls no punches and asks difficult questions. McKenna is married, a fact that both her and Rudy are honoring. And Rudy is in the unique situation to have the opportunity to…

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