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    A Home

    Whenever I sit down to type up an ad I always have two versions of it in my head. The correct version that is on the sheet in front of me, and the edited version in my head. If I ever slipped up and typed in the other version, I hope it would sound like this: Beautiful 4 bed, 2 bath house in desirable neighborhood. Open floor plan, kitchen flows into the dining room, the dining room flows into the living room. Big airy windows in the bedrooms, with deep window sills for plants or lazy cats. The roof has been repaired in the last decade so it stands a fairly good…

  • books

    Worlds Collide: A Fairy Tale

    Available on Kindle This is my first book. And I am thrilled to be re-releasing it for Kindle with a beautiful new cover designed by Annie J Designs. If you haven’t known me for years, a bit of back story. In 2006 I wrote Worlds Collide: A Fairy Tale and to this day I am very proud of this book. If you’ve known me a really long time, you’ll know some of these characters I have been developing as long as I could tell a story. This is my ‘tome’ as it came to be called…the printed edition coming at 701 pages it was a deserved title. To those of you who over the years have…

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    Author Interview- RJ Conte

    I have known RJ Conte for almost 20 years. That is kinda weird to think about, so I’m not going to dwell on that because that makes me think we’re getting kinda old. Today I get to share her upcoming latest book with you! “Arabella Rose is the county’s best suicide hotline telephone operator. But very few know the personal reasons behind her passion, until a call from a strangely compelling man shakes up her entire world.” The Hotline Girl – Available May 2nd on Amazon Before I get to the interview, you are officially invited to the Facebook party for the Book release: The Hotline Girl- Book Release Party! What is…

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    Author Interview- Griffin Asher

    “My birth was ordinary; full of a woman’s pain and blood. I didn’t mean to kill her, but I was frightened and I was dying.” – Farseer When Griffin Asher sent me this book I let it linger in my inbox waiting for time to sit and give it my full attention. And then I mentally kicked myself for waiting so long to read it because it was very enjoyable. I am thrilled to share not only about her newest book, but an interview with the author herself. 1) When did you decide to start writing? That’s actually a two fold question. I’ve been telling stories for as long as I can…

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    Well, I finished my short story. I realized that this is the first piece of fiction I have finished since 2007. Wow. It’s a terribly sad little story,  and unlike anything I’ve ever written. And I love it.

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    Some writers have a cloud of ideas and characters and their biggest problem is they don’t know which one to pick first. They finish one story, put it aside and start on a whole brand new exciting world. And then there’s writers like me. As most people who read this blog probably know, I have One Idea. One World. One (growing) set of characters. And while I think my world and characters are very good, this is what I’ve worked on my whole life and whenever I look beyond into the vastness of fiction that leaves the confines of that world I see a open nothingness. Until a couple weeks…

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    Life Goal: Accomplished

      This happened Sunday. When a friend texted me last week and told me that Frank Peretti would be the guest speaker at a local church Sunday and ‘thought you may be interested’…to say I was excited would be a drastic understatement. I quickly informed the midget that we would be visiting that church on Sunday! And she was only a little less excited than me. The Oath was my favorite book for years, and to date the first Cooper Kids book is the only book that when I finished reading, I immediately started reading again. As a child, when I had stories in my head, but no real idea how…

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    It’s Almost that Time of Year

    Fall is in the air. The leaves are turning, the pumpkins are being carved, boots are being dusted off, and people are muttering things like ‘1,600 words’ and ‘plot points’…normally with a slight twitch. Yes, we are almost upon NaNoWriMo season. If you have ever participated in NaNo, you know what I speak of. If you have not but have friends who are preparing themselves for a month of pouring their heart and soul into a blank word document- read on for 5 tips from an expert* on how to be a good friend for the month of November. 5) This is all your friend will be talking/thinking about for…

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